What to do together
Human experience
All experiences you can find at hu Norcenni Girasole village

What to do
Accademia Gallery in Florence
<<<<<<< HEADDay and time on request • Reserved entrance
=======Day and time on request Reserved entrance
>>>>>>> ea15fb38c (Entry saved by Alex)
What to do
Horseback riding
<<<<<<< HEAD1h • Horseback riding
=======1h Horseback riding
>>>>>>> ea15fb38c (Entry saved by Alex)

What to do
<<<<<<< HEAD3 hours • Quad rental and guided tour
=======3 hours Quad rental and guided tour
>>>>>>> ea15fb38c (Entry saved by Alex)

What to do
Rafting on the Elsa river
<<<<<<< HEAD1 hour • Adrenaline
=======1 hour Adrenaline
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What to do
Uffizi and Accademia
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What to do
What to eat in Florence
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